Planning and Sustainability Statement

When is it required?

All major applications, and major change of use applications

What is this? 

The statement should identify the context and need for a proposed development and should include an assessment of how the proposed development accords with relevant national and local planning policies. For example, it should show how the development complies with and supports the following:

  • Key requirements of national policy guidance;
  • General principles/fundamental aims of the Development Plan; 
  • Policies set out in ‘Made’ Neighbourhood Plans* ;
  • M4(2) building regulations;
  • Affordable Housing requirements;
  • Health Impact Assessment detailing how healthy lifestyles and social interaction will be achieved once the scheme is completed. This should include consideration of Healthy Housing, Active travel, Healthy environment and Vibrant Neighbourhoods;
  • Whether the applicant has carried out any pre-application consultation and outcome of such consultation ;
  • Utilities.

It should also include details of consultations with the Local Planning Authority and wider community/statutory consultees undertaken prior to submission, alternatively, a separate statement of community involvement may be appropriate. Statement should set out how the applicant has complied with the requirements for pre-application consultation set out in the Local Planning Authority’s adopted statement of community  involvement  and  demonstrating  that  the  views of  the  local  community  have  been sought  and  taken  into account in the formulation of development proposals.

Why is this required?

National Planning Policy Framework 

East Staffordshire Borough Council Statement of Community Involvement 2013

East Staffordshire Local Plan 

Made Neighbourhood Plans and Building Regulations (2010) Part M Guidance Note


* At March 2019 there were 15 ‘Made Neighbourhood Plans’: Anslow, Horninglow and Eton, Branston, Outwoods, Yoxall, Tatenhill & Rangemore, Stretton, Anglesey, Newborough, Stapenhill, Shobnall, Marchington, Denstone, Winshill and Uttoxeter