Landscaping Schemes/Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

When is it required?

•    Major applications: 10+ houses and creation of 1,000m2 floor area which include any external space. 

In addition, for those schemes within the national forest area the items listed below are also required.

What is this? 

Development proposals will be required to be supported by a landscape strategy which should indicate:

•    Extent and type of existing and proposed planting areas (including details of National Forest planting where appropriate);

•    Extent and type of hard-surfacing;

•    Location and type of boundary treatment;

•    Earthworks and ground level changes;

•    Measures for ongoing protection and maintenance of landscaping;

•    Integration with proposals for ecological enhancement.

Why is this required?

National Planning Policy Framework (particularly Section 12)

East Staffordshire Local Plan Policies SP1, SP7, SP23, SP24, SP25, SP26, DP1, DP3 East Staffordshire Design Guide

Staffordshire County Council Landscape Character Assessment 

For strategic major developments, applicants are advised to seek specialist expertise at an early stage in the design process.

Where National Forest planting cannot be provided entirely on the site a financial contribution through a planning obligation will be expected.

National Forest Guide for Developers and Planners


Sites over 0.5 ha: 20% of National Forest planting on site

Sites over 10ha and Sustainable Urban Extensions: 30% of the development area to be woodland planting and landscaping


Sites over 1 ha: 20% of National Forest planting on site

Sites over 10ha and Sustainable Urban Extensions: 30% of the development area to be woodland planting and landscaping 

Further Advice

East Staffordshire Design Guide

East Staffordshire Tree Planting Guidance

Historic England Landscape Advice

National Landscape Character Areas

Staffordshire County Council Landscape Character Assessment 

Landscaping and Visual Impact Assessment

  • A Landscaping and Visual Impact Assessment may be required on relatively flat landscape areas to provide long range impact of the development. Consideration should include views from receptors and effects on night skies.