Before applying for your search please make sure that you have met all entries on the following checklist
1. What type of search?
- An official local authority search undertaken by East Staffordshire Borough Council
- A personal search
2. Does the search rely on indemnity insurance to cover missing information, or is it a full local authority search that requires no additional insurance?
- ESBC provides access to all the information required to complete a full search.
- If your search is in complete and still relies on indemnity insurance, you have the right to reject the search.
3. If there is indemnity insurance, when does it expire? Is this acceptable to the buyer of the property?
4. Will the mortgage lender accept the search and if so who will be held liable for missing or inaccurate information?
5. If you are a home buyer or solicitor acting on behalf of a buyer, you have the right to reject the search
6. Will I receive a full copy of the search information once it has been undertaken?
7. Additional questions
The list below shows additional questions you can request your solicitor to ask on your search by sending a Con 29O (Optional) form. Clearly mark the required additional questions and send with the correct fee.
- Road Proposals by Private Bodies
- Public Paths or byways
- Advertisements
- Completion Notices
- Parks & Countryside
- Pipelines
- Houses in Multiple Occupation
- Noise Abatement
- Urban Development Areas
- Enterprise Zones
- Inner Urban Improvement Areas
- Simplified Planning Zones
- Land Maintenance Notices
- Mineral Consultation Areas
- Hazardous Substance Consents
- Environmental and Pollution Notices
- Food Safety Notices
- Registered Common Land and Town or Village Green
- Hedgerow Notices