Your representation must be relevant and based on the likely effect the granting of the application will have on the promotion of the following licensing objectives.
For example, if you are concerned the granting of a variation will lead to an increase in crime and disorder in the area of the premises, this is a relevant representation.
However, if you are concerned that the granting of longer hours at the premises will lower house prices in the area; this is not a relevant representation and cannot be considered by the Licensing Authority.
The Licensing Authority will also not consider representations that are frivolous or vexatious, e.g. a frivolous representation is one that does not have a serious purpose or is not serious in its nature, whilst a vexatious representation is one that is made purely to cause annoyance to the applicant.
The Licensing Authority will not accept anonymous representations, the person making the representations are required to include their name and address.
Relevant representations must be in writing and submitted to the Licensing Authority but this does include emails. Your representation must reach us within the 28 day notice period and can be emailed to [email protected] or sent to the Licensing Team, PO Box 8045, Burton upon Trent, DE14 9JG.
Late representations will not be considered. If you are unsure when the application was made, you can check on the council's web site via the link above.
A member of the licensing team will initially check your representation to ensure that your comments relate to one or more of the four licensing objectives. Assuming that your representation fulfils the criteria, it will be copied and sent to the applicant, along with any other representations received.
It is important that the applicant is provided with the opportunity to address the comments raised in your representation.
In addition, a copy of your representation, including your personal details will be included in the committee papers all of which are public documents. A copy of these papers will be published on the Council’s website.
If you do not want your personal details to be released then you will be unable to make a personal representation unless there are exceptional circumstances. For example if you believe that you may suffer reprisals if your personal details are released you can contact the council to discuss this. It may in some cases be possible to exclude your personal details if the circumstances warrant it.