Do I need to register my business?

Yes, you need to register with the local authority in whose area you will be trading.

Registration must be made at least 28 days before trading.

If you intend to trade in East Staffordshire please download the registration form and complete and return to Environmental Health, East Staffordshire Borough Council, The Town Hall, King Edward Place Burton upon Trent, DE14 2EB.

You will need to specify the vehicle registration number of the vehicle and place of trading if known.

Will I get inspected for food safety?

Yes, you should receive your first inspection within 28 days of opening.

The inspection is an opportunity to check structural standards, safety standards and talk to you about how you will manage food safety.

Once you have had your primary inspection we will give you a score in accordance with guidance laid down in the Food Law Code of Practice.

This gives us a risk rating that is inputted to our database, the subsequent frequency of inspection is then based on the perceived level of risk.

You will also receive a star rating which will be published on the food ratings website and you will receive a certificate to display.

Mobile Food Traders FAQs

What about gas safety?

You must write down simple details of what you do to make sure that the food produced or sold at your premises is safe to eat.

During the inspection of your premises you will need to provide adequate documentation in the following areas:

  • Possible food safety hazards that could be relevant to your business
  • Things that must be checked to ensure food is safe
  • Records of any important checks adapted to and relevant to your business on things like cleaning correct cooking, chilling of food or the prevention of cross contamination

Our recommendation is that you follow the guidance issued by the Food Standards Agency, 'Safer Food Better Business' for retailers which will guide you through how to comply with the new regulations and provide the necessary documentation. This can be ordered from the food standards agency by calling 08456 060667

What are the legal requirements for food safety in mobile food vehicles?

You will need to have basic food hygiene training and comply with EC Regulation 852/2004 and in particular Article 5 (food safety management) and Annex II which set out requirements for hygiene standards and documentation.

What documentation do I need?


You must write down simple details of what you do to make sure that the food produced or sold at your premises is safe to eat.

During the inspection of your premises you will need to provide adequate documentation in the following areas:

  • Possible food safety hazards that could be relevant to your business
  • Things that must be checked to ensure food is safe
  • Records of any important checks adapted to and relevant to your business on things like cleaning correct cooking, chilling of food or the prevention of cross contamination

Our recommendation is that you follow the guidance issued by the Food Standards Agency, 'Safer Food Better Business' for retailers which will guide you through how to comply with the new regulations and provide the necessary documentation. This can be ordered from the food standards agency by calling 08456 060667.