Yes, this is a legal requirement of the Control of Dogs Order 1992. You should put your name, address, and a contact number on the tag, so you can be contacted if your dog is lost. You can get engraved tags from large pet stores.

Microchipping is a permanent method to help ensure your dog's safe return if it is unfortunate enough to become lost. You are still required to ensure that your dog is able to be identified by using a collar and tag with your name and address.

The microchip is the size of a grain of rice. In dogs, the microchip is inserted into the loose skin on the back of the dog's neck. It is a quick and easy process that causes no more discomfort than a usual vaccination. The microchip will last for the animal's lifetime.

Each microchip carries a unique number that is logged onto a national database. Information is stored about the dog and its owner including the dog's name, the owner's name and address and a record of the dog's vaccinations.

Approximately 10,000 scanners are in use throughout the UK and can be found at most veterinary practices, local authorities and animal welfare groups.


Dog owners should register with a reputable veterinary practice who will be able to advise on all aspects of your dogs health. Your Vet will also be able to advise on vaccination/worming schedules.


All dogs in the UK are at risk from worms and should be treated every 3 months to make sure that they are happy and healthy.

Worms can cause a number of health concerns and can be passed from animal to animal and also from animal to human with children being most at risk.


If you don't have insurance this means a difficult choice between finding the money to pay medical fees or putting down a cherished pet. Even if you have got the cash, in many cases insurance can work out cheaper.

What is usually covered in a Policy?

  • Broken bones/ injuries from accidents
  • Many illnesses, from cancer to asthma, skin infections to bone diseases and arthritis
  • Possibly the cost of overseas emergency vet treatment on a foreign trip or holiday
  • The cost of advertising and a reward you fall victim to 'dog/cat-napping'

What isn't usually covered?

  • Routine injections - flu, tetanus, parvovirus, annual booster vaccinations. Plus check-ups
  • Worming treatments
  • Anti-flea medications
  • Welping costs