Subscriptions cost £40 for 2025 and you will need one for each garden bin that you would like us to collect. A discounted rate of £35 is available to those who subscribe prior to 31 January 2025.
You will be able to pay for the service at any time of year. The charge covers you for that collection year and is the same whether you join at the beginning, part way through the year or only need a few collections.
By signing up by January, you can be sure that you will benefit from the full year of collections and get the best value for money out of the service.
Concessionary Rate
Those households in receipt of an income replacement benefit such as the full rate of Universal Credit, ESA Income related or Pension Credit Guarantee, or another income related benefit that is paid due to no earned income, may qualify for a 50% discount on this charge.
To apply for the March 2025 50% rebate after you have subscribed, please send an email to [email protected] and state “Garden Waste Rebate Application” in the subject line with the following information in the body of the email:
- Full Name
- Address
- Contact number
- National Insurance Number (if not known please provide a date of birth)
- Please indicate the Benefits you are entitled to (e.g. 1., 2., 3., etc)
- You will need to attach to this email proof of entitlement to these benefits. A scanned image or photograph will be acceptable as long as it can be read.
Once eligibility has been confirmed payment will be made direct to your bank account. Please provide:
- Name on the account
- Sort Code
- Account Number
Please note for applications made between November 2024 & March 2025 payments will not be made until the end of the financial year, March 2025 or shortly after.
The personal information supplied will be retained for the financial year in which the rebate application is made plus 1 year. New information and proof of entitlement will need to be provided with each application.
Paying for a subscription on someone else's behalf
You can buy a subscription for someone else’s address within East Staffordshire, such as a family member. You can do this even if you live outside the borough. You will need to set up a subscription account and add their East Staffordshire address to this.
You can also choose a different billing address.